mardi 14 juillet 2009

HowTo - VMware ESX 3.5 and remote syslog configuration

  • SSH over to the ESX server required. You’ll need sudo or root access to complete the following.
  • To view the file: cat /etc/syslog.conf
  • To modify the file: vi /etc/syslog.conf (google for vi help if required, i = insert. esc = exit insert mode)
  • Move to the bottom of the file and add the line in the next step if you want ALL the logs to be sent over to your syslog server.
  • #syslog server setup
    *.* @syslogsrv.mydomain
  • The first line in the above line is commented out by the # sign, the second line tells all the log files to be sent to “syslogsrv.mydomain”. Use an ip address for the syslog server if you want this to work when your DNS server goes down.
  • service syslog restart (restarts the syslog service)
  • esxcfg-firewall -o 514,udp,out,syslog (opens the local firewall to allow remote syslogging)
  • esxcfg-firewall -l (reloads the new firewall configuration)

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