This post is about an issue in OpsMgr SP1 AND R2 – where the localizedtext table in the database may fill and consume large amounts of space.
OpsMgr 2007 no longer has a hard database limit of 30GB like MOM 2005 did. For this reason, most OpsMgr administrators don't watch this very closely anymore, or freak out when it gets big.
However - it must be noted... console and operational performance are still impacted when this DB gets big. You really should keep an eye on it and try to keep it as small as possible. In general, I recommend only keep 2 days of operational data (Database Grooming global setting) from the default of 7 days, until everything is tuned.
One thing I have noticed at several locations, is that there are a couple tables that often grow quite large... depending on the agent count and what management packs are installed. These are LocalizedText and PublisherMessages. This is cause by management packs, that create a large amount of events, from script. I have seen this mostly in environments that have funky converted MOM 2005 MP's what run a lot of backwards-compatibility scripts, or in large Exchange 2007 and SCCM deployments. Like I said - this won't affect all customers... just those with specific management packs that expose this. What happens, is each event writes additional data to these tables, and they are not groomed or pruned.... so they keep growing. Over time, the impact is, that your DB might keep filling and run of of disk space, or your performance might be impacted when you use a view that queries LocalizedText.
To know if you are impacted - I would run the following query against your OpsDB:
Simple query to display large tables, to determine what is taking up space in the database:
8 * Sum(CASE WHEN si.indid IN (0, 1) THEN si.reserved END) AS data_kb,
Coalesce(8 * Sum(CASE WHEN si.indid NOT IN (0, 1, 255) THEN si.reserved END), 0) AS index_kb,
Coalesce(8 * Sum(CASE WHEN si.indid IN (255) THEN si.reserved END), 0) AS blob_kb
FROM dbo.sysobjects AS so JOIN dbo.sysindexes AS si ON ( =
WHERE 'U' = so.type GROUP BY ORDER BY data_kb DESC
Normally, in most typical environments with typical MP's, we'd expect perf data to be the largest tables, followed by event, state, and alert. If localizedtext is your largest table, this is impacting you. You can run the following query:
select count(*) from localizedtext
Generally, if this table is your largest in the database, and over a million rows, you are impacted. The impact is low... however.... mostly just hogging space in the DB, and possibly impacting console performance.
I am attaching TWO scripts below, which clean up these tables. That being said - this script is NOT supported by Microsoft, as it has not been thoroughly tested. It is being provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of Use
****UPDATED for R2:
There are now TWO scripts.
If you are on SP1 – you run both on a regular basis
If you are on R2 – you only need to run the first one ONCE, and second one on a regular basis.
This core issue was fixed in R2, however – since R2 released we found another type of data that gets left in the LocalizedText table, so this second script was developed.
Ok.... so these scripts will require a LARGE amount of TempDB space - make sure your TempDB is on a volume with lots of space to grow... if not - add an additional TempDB file on another volume just in case. Make sure you take a good SQL backup of your OpsDB as well. The script in general, takes about 20 minutes per million rows, depending on the hardware capabilities of the SQL server. I have seen it take 10 minutes per million rows on a fast server.
Now – when I say LOTS of space for your tempDB – I mean it. LOTS. I believe it is the tempDB log that needs most of the space. Just make sure you have at least as much tempDB space as the size of your LocalizedText table.
When the script is done, you wont recognize the space freed up immediately. You need to run a - DBCC DBREINDEX ('localizedtext') - to reindex the table, and show the newly freed space. It would likely be a good idea to reindex the entire database at this point, which you can do by running the following:
Reindex the database:
USE OperationsManager
EXEC SP_MSForEachTable "Print 'Reindexing '+'?' DBCC DBREINDEX ('?')"
If you first want to troubleshoot, and try and determine what is consuming your tables... or which MP's are generating the most noise in this table.... you can run the following (they might take a LONG time to complete - depending on how big your tables are:
Most common events:
select messageid, ltvalue, count(*) as Count from publishermessages with(nolock)
inner join localizedtext with(nolock)
on messagestringId = localizedtext.ltstringid
group by messageid, ltvalue
order by Count DESCLT insertions per day/month:
DATEPART(mm,timeadded) AS 'MONTH',
DATEPART(dd,timeadded) AS 'DAY',
from localizedtext with(nolock)
group by
order by
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