Below is the complete list of all the command line parameters for OpsMgr 2007 server roles including Audit Collection. And the command line parameters for upgrading to Service Pack 1 (SP1) Release Candidate (RC)
Agent – (MOMAgent.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\MOMAgent.msi /qn /l*v \logs\MOMAgent_install.log USE_SETTINGS_FROM_AD=0 MANAGEMENT_GROUP=
Typical – (MOM.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\MOM.msi /qn /l*v \logs\MOMTypical_install.log ADDLOCAL=ALL USE_SETTINGS_FROM_AD=0 MANAGEMENT_GROUP=
Database --(MOM.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\MOM.msi /qn /l*v \logs\MOMDB_install.log ADDLOCAL=MOMDB USE_SETTINGS_FROM_AD=0 MANAGEMENT_GROUP=
Server --(MOM.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\MOM.msi /qn /l*v \logs\MOMServer_install.log ADDLOCAL=MOMServer USE_SETTINGS_FROM_AD=0 MANAGEMENT_GROUP=
UI --(MOM.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\MOM.msi /qn /l*v \logs\MOMUI_install.log ADDLOCAL=MOMUI,MOMMonadShell USE_SETTINGS_FROM_AD=0 MANAGEMENT_GROUP=
WebConsole (MOM.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\MOM.msi /qn /l*v \logs\MOMUI_install.log ADDLOCAL=MOMWebConsole WEB_CONSOLE_AUTH_TYPE=0 ROOT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_DNS=
( ‘1’ is windows auth and ‘0’ is Forms auth)
Data Warehouse- (Reporting2007.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\Reporting2007.msi /qn /l*v "D:\LOGS\REPORTING_INSTALL.LOG" ADDLOCAL=”MOMREPORTINGDB” SQLSVR_INSTANCE=”
Reporting Server (Reporting2007.msi)
msiexec.exe /i \\path\Directory\Reporting2007.msi /qn /l*v "D:\LOGS\REPORTING_INSTALL.LOG" ADDLOCAL=”MOMREPORTING” SQLSVR_INSTANCE="
Gateway Server (MOMGateway.msi)
msiexec /i \\path\Directory\MOMGateway.msi /qn /l*v D:\GATEWAY_SERVER_INSTALL_1.LOG ADDLOCAL=MOMGateway,MOMNonRootServer SECURE_PORT=5723 MANAGEMENT_GROUP=MyConfigGroup MANAGEMENT_SERVER_DNS=
Audit Collection Server (AdtSetup.exe)
The cmd line you will use would look like this:\\PATH\Directory\AdtSetup.exe /i /s /p:ACSInstallParameters.xml
You will need to specify ACSInstallParameters.xml while passing the command line you will configure all your setting in the XML file before passing it. The XML file is attached.
For ‘/i' is for ‘install’, ‘/s’ is for ‘silent’, and ‘/p’ is for parameter (file)…
These are the command line parameter to upgrade from OpsMgr 2007 RTM to SP1 RC. Users must upgrade the RMS first which will remotely upgrade the DB. When you upgrade the Reporting Server setup will remotely upgrade the Data Warehouse as well. In order to upgrade the RMS, MS or UI you will need to run step 1 and then step 2 of the command line.
SP1RC Upgrade of RMS, MS and UI: Step 1
msiexec /p MOM2007QFEPreSP1.msp REINSTALLMODE=omus REINSTALL=ALL /qn /l*v D:\logs\QFERollup.log
SP1 RC Upgrade of RMS, MS and UI: Step 2 (DB gets upgraded automatically)
msiexec /p MOM2007SP1.msp SP1UPGRADE=1 REINSTALLMODE=omus REINSTALL=ALL /qn /l*v D:\logs\SP1Update.log
SP1 RC Upgrade of Gateway Server
msiexec /i MOMGateway.msi SP1UPGRADE=1 SET_ACTIONS_ACCOUNT=0 REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL /qn /l*v D:\logs\GatewayUpdate.log
SP1 RC Upgrade of Reporting (DW gets upgraded automatically)
msiexec /i Reporting2007.msi SP1UPGRADE=1 SET_ACTIONS_ACCOUNT=0 REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL /qn /l*v D:\logs\ReportingUpdate.log
SP1 RC Upgrade of Agent
msiexec /i MOMAgent.msi SP1UPGRADE=1 SET_ACTIONS_ACCOUNT=0 REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL /qn /l*v D:\logs\AgentUpdate.log
SP1 RC Upgrade of Audit Collection
msiexec /i AdtServer.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vamus REINSTALL=ALL /qn /l*v D:\logs\ACSUpdate.log
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